With rain here for most of day, what better way to spend it, than out in my sewing room with my little pot belly fire roaring making these cute little wallets! They were so fun to make (Yes, thats why I made 3!) They are made using scraps(even with selvedge left on!) I loved rummaging through all my old buttons, trying to find just the right one! You can find the tutorial for these Loyalty Card Wallets at spoonfullofsugargirls She has an amazing blog and well worth a visit! Hope your all having a great weekend! Bye for now
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Matilda Station was the second quilt I made(Everyday Angels being the first) both Chookshed patterns. I ususally take photos of projects I've made on Matilda-a few people have said they liked the quilt in the background, so I thought I would show a full pic!
The other quilt I completed last year. I purchased the fabrics from Sufi's Craft & Tearooms where a few ladies on the East Coast would meet to do as a BOM.These colours are not what I usually choose, but I was quite pleased with the end results! Bye for now
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A Bit of Cooking!
My son (10) decided to do a bit of cooking. After looking through my books we decided on Caramel Chocolate slice. He went really well with no slops or mishaps!
I ended up making a Pasta Salad (So Easy!) I used ~ 1 pkt large spiral pasta, 1 bottle Thousand Island dressing(I prefer Kraft), 1 stick cabana and 1 onion.
Also a quiche, which is ~ mix together in bowl 3 eggs, 1 1\2 c milk, 1 onion chopped, 1\2 c grated cheese, spices, 1\2 c pastry mix ~ then just add your favourite topping. I used asparagus,chicken & tomato. Other ideas for a toppings are Bacon & Tomato, Salmon & Tomato,Spinach & Bacon, Zuccini & Tomato. Just whatever you like! Cook 200 for 35-45 minutes. Bye for now
Friday, August 21, 2009
I saw this quilt on display in a craft shop window a few years back. I was new to craft at the time, but knew I just had to make it! So, a few years later. ...I have finally finished! This one I'm going to keep to hang on my 'new' sewing room wall when its finished...hopefully X-mas! I have no wall space left in my sewing room at present, so will have to be put away 'til later!
I hope you all have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rag Bag
I made these handbags a month or so ago. They were so much fun to make using the quilt as you go method. The designer of the bag is Wendy Williams.
I pinned my country collectibles quilt today, ready to stipple....... hopefully tomorrow! Bye for now! Lisa
Monday, August 17, 2009
Weekend Projects!
These are the projects I made over the weekend~scissorcase with bee fob,and glass case. They are from Art to Heart book-Easy Does It For Friends. I have had a Country Collectibles Quilt top that has been made up for quite a while (about 2 years!) which I'm hoping to stipple quilt this week! So hopefully I should have a pic at the end of the week!! Bye for now!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Button necklaces!!
These were so much fun to make! I made 2 for myself , and the ones pictured I gave to our local primary school committee to sell at a fete. Jo had a tutorial on her blog a little while back~thanks again Jo! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Winter Roses Table Runner
This is a table runner I made from Homespun (72 Vol 10 No 5) a couple of months ago. Deirdre from The Quilted Crow designed this lovely table runner. The flowers were to be done in wool felt, but I didn't have enough felt, so I substituted the felt for fabric. Thought I should share this one before the kids got tamato sauce on it! Ha! Bye for now.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Finished Doorstop!
Just wanted to firstly say thankyou to all those who stopped by and welcomed me to 'Blogland'! I completed the doorstop Sunday night. Now what to start next...!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Harriet's tote & Needlecase
Friday the postman delivered this months issue of Homespun-The Garden Issue. In it was a very cute, brick covered doorstop by Janet Rowe. Hopefully I will have it finished Sunday to show you next week. I thought I would share a picture of a bag & needlecase I made for my sister for her birthday. It's out of An Angels Story book by Anni Downs. She has such sweet designs! Now I have to go in search for a brick!! Bye for now
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"The Cubby House"
I think most craft people follow a similar path through life~going from one craft, until we discover another. Mine, firstly was sewing my own clothes as a teenager-to folkart,after I was married with young children. It was then, where I used the kids cubby house to paint items, such as pots old milk cans etc. Hence my blogname Cubby House Crafts! Today, I love to patchwork and quilt and do needlework. I still have an outside sewing room but a bit bigger than the kids cubby!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Travel Pocket
This is travel pocket designed by Leanne Beasley from her Romancing the roadtrip book. She has some lovely designs. I use it as a handbag organiser as it has little pockets on the inside, and a zippered section.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
First Timer!

Well, I have finally done it! My first blog entry. After what seems like hours setting it up, and a few grey hairs later...I'm not sure if things are going to go right, so hopefully a picture of Quilters Journals will appear!! Had so much fun making the first one I had to make another. Bye for now
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