Saturday, August 28, 2010
My Little Blue Wren
I finished off my little Wren stitchery this morning. The pair of wrens that visit me daily, must be nesting nearby, and I am yet to get a good picture of them. We also have some Diamond birds (we call them Freddies as they sound like they are saying a repetitive 'Freddy Hill') nesting in the natives down the driveway...just hope the Wattle Birds don't chase them away as they are quite territorial!
Not sure what I'm going to make this stitchery into...might have a play with some more painted frames.
Enjoy your weekend
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Garden snapshots
Just a few garden snapshots today....
Unsure of the name of this native, but it has unusual hairy flowers!
Buddlea...first time this ones flowered, such a pretty shade of blue and has such a sweet perfume.
Verbena...quite a vibrant pink with heart shaped petals
Another native, has white tea tree like flowers, and then it has these unusual fluffy buds afterwards.
Hopefully next time I do a post I will have some sewing to show
Monday, August 23, 2010
Some More Books....
All the books that I have ordered from Book Depository have now all arrived...I must admit that my favourite from this lot is Sew Serendipity...
I have taken some pics from inside the book. pattterns that are included are for skirt, dress/tunic, and jacket, with 6 variations on how to make each of them.( You can click on pic for a closer look) Can't wait to make something! Will have to bring out my little Singer overlocker, that I have had since I was teenager and made my own clothes...gosh thats a long time ago!lol!
Enjoy your week
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Gardening Bug!
Still no sewing to show...but I have been bitten by the gardening bug! Yesterday was spent weeding and putting pine bark down on all the paths, even the kids all came outside to help!
Unsure of the name of this bottle brush, but its a weeping variety and looks pretty when its all out in flower...shame the flowers stink though!!lol!
Still doing a few drawings ...this one is still pretty rough, the little wren family still come to the sliding door for a visit, and had one on my terracotta could I resist?
Enjoy your Sunday
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Nuisance comments!!!
Is anyone else out there having trouble with annoying, repetitive comments from Anonymous bloggers????? Some have included viagra forums and others have been in another language, but just written over and over again. It first started last week, but today I have received 3, its really starting to become annoying!!!
Enough grumbling...just sharing a favourite pic from last spring...has been freezing cold here the last few days...bring on the warmer weather!
No sewing so far this week, but have lots of ideas...I have had a wren family come and visit every day and cheekily sit right outside my sliding cute!
Bye for Now
Monday, August 16, 2010
I love Books!
The postie was much welcomed today...these lovely lot of books arrived from the book depository
The Better Homes and Gardens 'Easy Quilt Projects' has some really easy quilts, bags...even a cute simple girls skirt....a bit of everything!!! Also has 41 projects in it.
Just a couple of garden snapshots! Spring is getting close now...discovered some bees on my 'Happy Wonderer' yesterday.
Have a great week
Sunday, August 15, 2010
This is the binder cover that I have been busy making this weekend. I needed somewhere to put all my ideas/drawings and somewhere to keep (hide from kids) a pencil and eraser! I was going to use my weeping rose stitchery, but decided just to draw a simple stitchery for it!
Off to make another lot of choccy mud muffins...have made it so many times I can remember measurements for all the ingredients.
Bye for Now
Friday, August 13, 2010
Buff Beauty!!
I had to include my 'Buff Beauty' Weeping Rose in my stitcheries, as I've had it since we first got married and moved into our house. Such a tough rose, as the stem split as it twisted in a strong wind we had a few years back, and as you can see from last years pic, it still flowers beautifully! I am starting to see the first signs of spring in the garden...buds on my weeping cherry, which is outside my new (unfinished) sewing room window...must get that whip cracking!lol!
Enjoy your weekend
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Daisy frame finished!!!
Things didn't go smoothly with my painting...I started out with small blue daisies and didn't like them, so sanded back and had another go. Then discovered my white paint had lumps...but changed to another shade, and this is the end result. I got so wrapped up in what I was doing...I forgot about collecting the kids from school as I had planned, as it looked like it was going to rain earlier. But luckily they know if I'm not there, to walk the whole 2 minutes home!!!lol! The rain is still threatening and we are supposed to have heavy rain tonight and tomorrow.
Enjoy your week
Monday, August 9, 2010
Orange mushrooms....
Butterfly bush and blue daises are all in my newest stitchery. This one I plan to put in a timber frame, with painted daisies at the bottom of I will have to get the folk art paints out again!!
I do have a few little orange mushrooms in the garden...please excuse the weeds as my garden badly is in need of a good tidy up!
Enjoy your week
Friday, August 6, 2010
No. 3. Stitchery Complete!!!
Last night was spent stitching away my 3rd garden stitchery design. It was my first night of stitching this week...Its great to get back into it, after my tidying break!! I am now pleased to say that the house has had the once over and the sewing room has been cleaned!
I will be stitching my Gardeners Journal tonight and hopefully get out into the sewing room on the weekend! It has turned really cold here...great for staying indoors and sewing!
Enjoy your weekend
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
No sewing at all to show, I have been busy tidying all my sewing gear...well the things I have outside sewing room, thats still a mess!!! A roll top desk, has been bought in from my sewing room, for all my hand sewing bits and pieces. Much more organized now!
Loving all my books at the moment, and have been a bit naughty and have ordered a few more...some patchwork and quilting books...will share some pics when they arrive.
Bye For now
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Rosalie's Quinlans Plastic Coated fabric
Yesterday, I received my Rosalie Quinlans Grandmas's Flower Garden Plastic Coated fabric from Gail B in the post, I was so pleased I phoned around, as there was a difference of $11 more a metre, at another craft store. I just love the fabric, and it matches my Angel table centre that I made last year.

I also made up a batch of banana muffins for lunch boxes...nice and easy to make!
My camellia is just starting to flower
And my Cream Mink Protea has finally opened.
Enjoy your week
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Todays Purchases
As you can see, I did do well seeing I was only after Pink ribbon!!lol!
This little trinket box was on sale...its just lovely and has removable tray on the top...had to put one of my Jo's little trinket cushions in it for display...the back of fabric that you can see in mirror, matches flowers on box!
This book...'Last Minute Patchwork & quilted Gifts', is made up of chapters for...less than 2 hour gifts, 2-4 hour gifts, 4-8, 8-12 and More than 12 hour gifts
and of course my pink ribbon!lol!
Bear Cottage Crafts
I have been to one of my favourite crafts stores today...Bear Cottage Crafts I took my camera with me, just to show you what a lovely store it is. I had to make my pics into collages, to fit in all the pics that I had taken, but theres still so many display areas I didn't show. The owner has a real talent for displaying her stock and everthing is just beautifully displayed. I love the ribbon section, such a variety to choose from...and yes I went in for a pink ribbon and came out with 6 different ones! You can click on the images for a closer look.
I hope you are enjoying your Sunday
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