Clare Grays Display Garden and Nursery in Bicheno (East Coast Tassie) is where we headed for a few fill in plants for the garden...just about all my plants in our garden have been purchased from here (it would have to be the cheapest place in Tassie for plants)! Clare does an amazing job for her age...and I can only guess that she would be close to 80!

Loved this little spot in her garden...just wish I had room in my garden for a little bridge!

My purchases.....


Angel Tears...wanted to have a pic of this on record so I wouldn't forget the name as there was no tag...but its has quite a striking flower and looks as though it would divide easily to make more plants!
Other purchases were a true red Marg. Daisy, Diascas, Pink Pincushion, Geum, Abunda and a trailing Petunia.
Now to plant them all, ready for the rain thats due tomorrow!!