Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't Look Now...I'm naked!

He he! I can hear my kids now...ohh Mum!!! But there is a reason for my silliness today. I found that the other day when I was stuffing my first Tilda doll, a few creases appeared around the neck...I even pulled out my stuffing and re-did it, but there was still a few crease lines. I always have Crisp spray starch in my sewing room, as I use it all the time, so I thought I would spray some on whilst I was stuffing the neck on this doll...and it worked!!! So to give you a demo and a before and after, so you can see the difference...

In the photo above I have sprayed the Crisp in the crease in the waistline area, (between the crochet flowers lol) and then left it to dry without touching it

And this is the after pic!!! It really does work.

This is the Tilda doll on the front of the new magazine that's now out. (And available at Newsagencies)...she has the cutest hat, so I thought I would add a brim to the little crochet beanie to give a simalar style

I am quite pleased how it turned out!

Now I had better go and make some clothes for my naked Tilda!
I am also going to go out and buy a truck load of Crisp spray and spray some on myself to see if all my creases/wrinkles come out!!!lol!

Bye For now
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Deb R said...

Loving your shy little doll :)

Susan said...

Thanks for the laugh this afternoon. Let me know if the spray starch works on you!

Wendy said...

Such a cute post with the strategically placed doilies!! Great idea with the starch.

Shirley said...

Now if that works on humans you are going to be a very rich woman. Please send me a crate load. The dolly is going to be so lovely.

quilterliz said...

G'day Lisa. Yes, please let us know if the starch works. I could do with a truckload. Love the doll. She is so sweet. Take care. Liz...

Anonymous said...

As I was reading the post of thought 'I wish that worked on humans' and when I read the post I got a great laugh. If it works send a 'B Double' my way please!!!!! Louise

michpicard said...

que c'est joli ! j'aime beaucoup et je me dis que je devrais essayer le crochet

Anonymous said...

lol let me know if the spray works on you Lisa and i will get a heap,seriously i will get some i had the same trouble with the tilda doll i made so thankyou for sharing that Lisa with us.xx

Jo in TAS said...

Fantastic tip Lisa, I' m going to give it a go. Love the latest little crochet hat too.

Anonymous said...

thanks for showing the progress on your Tilda Doll ....

the only magazine I've seen anything Tilda here in NZ is Mollie Makes .... have not seen the Tilda magazine you've shown on your blog here ....

can you put up a contact or web address so we might be able to buy it here online ...

Many thanks Chris Wellington NZ :)

carol fun said...

Love your Tilda doll! If the spray starch works on you I'll go buy a 55 gallon drum of it - ROFL

paulette said...

I'll need a truckload if it works...on the face that is!! haha

Anniem said...

Hi! So fun! If Chris on NZ can use
They have the Tilda mags. I'm putting them in my wish list! I love your work. So cute as always! I wish you were my next door neighbor! Lol

marina said...

great post, love your tilda doll, nothing like a few strategically placed crochet flowers to maintain one's modesty!

Anonymous said...

hehehehehe. Love what she is going to become.