Thank you for all those ladies who left a comment on my previous stitches seem to look the same now without a hoop as they did when I was using a hoop! I even managed to get another SKoW block finished yesterday.

But the main reason for my post today is Pinterest. I haven't spent alot of time on Pinterest and thought that it was an online pinboard for people to dispay photo's of their own work and their own photo's! I have since discovered that I have not only one or two photos from this blog on Pinterest, but dozens of my photo's! No one has asked my permission at all. I am flattered that you like my photo's, but can I just ask you...please do not take photo's from this blog with my permission!
Bye For Now!
But the main reason for my post today is Pinterest. I haven't spent alot of time on Pinterest and thought that it was an online pinboard for people to dispay photo's of their own work and their own photo's! I have since discovered that I have not only one or two photos from this blog on Pinterest, but dozens of my photo's! No one has asked my permission at all. I am flattered that you like my photo's, but can I just ask you...please do not take photo's from this blog with my permission!
Bye For Now!
oh Lisa thats not good,i have heard that this is a big problem with pinrest!!!!
Hi Lisa i had the same problem there is a code that you can put onto your blog which is meant to stop pinning...
you go into your actual blog template click edit HMTL then u will see the words < head >
its in the first couple of lines then next to it or underneath it copy and paste the code and click save .....
you can get the code from here scroll down to bottom to linking to your blog or website question click on what if i dont want my images pinned click on it then u will see the code.
copy and paste into the head part of your blog .its about the 6th line in your template
hope that all makes sence.too me awhile.:)
hope this helps
Hi Lisa, I am quite possibly one of the guilty ones and I apologise... I use pinterest a lot to remind me where a particular post is or something I find inspiring .... once again my apologies if this has happened.. I have so many pictures on my boards now but if I find yours I will remove them...
I was going to give you the same link as Lisa. I added it to my blog also some time ago. Lovely SKOW block :o)
G'day Lisa. That sounds like a real worry to me. I have never heard of Pinterest. I do hope you can do something about it. Your block looks beautiful. Take care. Liz...
I was going to join Pinterest and then I read a few things like yours and decided not to bother although I do enjoy looking at what other people have on their boards. Thanks for highlighting it and to Lisa for the code to stop others from using photo's.
another gorgeous block Lisa. I haven't looked into Pinterest so didn't know what it was all about. This is worrying though.
I don't like pinterest either and that fact that once someone pins your pics pinterest assume we gave them permission to pin them to start with and pinterest can do what they want with the photos........
I have photos pinned too and no one has ever asked me if they could pin them.......
I too was totally surprised to find some of my greeting cards lifted to Pinterest. I don't mind, actually because I am a co-leader of a blog for Cricut inspiration and we do the cards to share....... but I will say it was the posting of your lovely work on Pinterest that steered me to your wonderful blog. Likely without that I would never have found your blog.... Your work is just beautiful... Oops, I see word verification. I hope this can get thru...I never can read those difficult words..
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