Sunday, May 30, 2010
Needlecase Wallet
School Holidays + Rainy Days = Mess!
Miss 8 has been doing lots of drawings, and I have been finding them EVERYWHERE, which has made me quite annoyed...until I come across one like this....well, I just have to smile!
These are the craft books I have been drooling over lately...Rosalie Quinlans because I would love to have a go at hexagon flowers and make the quilt from the book, and Christine Book...well she just has lovely designs! What are your favourite craft books at the moment?
The sun is out today...might even get some washing dry!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Just a little One!
This is what I have been up to today...a little holder for thread and needles. Not much to show, I know, but I have been very sluggish today, as we had thunderstorms last night that literally shook the house and kept me awake...hated it! We have had 134ml rain so far, but the garden desperately needs it!
I have been practicing my hand quilting in a cross hatch (which my thread keeper is sitting on) I am loving it!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
An oldie...Punchneedle!
How things change over the years...I now love to sit down of a night time, curled up on the couch under my lamp, doing hand embroidery. It is so relaxing and such a great way to de-stress!
Hope you are having a great week
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hand Quilting...Giving it a go!
Decided I shouldn't give up on handquilting, I know that it would take no time to quilt on the machine, but the effects not the same, especially seeing the little quilts are from Prairie Children and Their Quilts book...its will give them the more traditional look!
This time, I have looked into what I need, and my parcel arrived in the post for a quilting hoop, needles and I'm all set!
I am enjoying stitching for my Gardeners Journal...this one is my favouite so far. I have used Pekinese in the bigger stitcheries, to make a part stand out under the pots.
This time, I have looked into what I need, and my parcel arrived in the post for a quilting hoop, needles and I'm all set!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturdays Sewing!
Have a great Sunday
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Adorable Owl Pins!
I did a swap with kraftypanda, these cute owl pins for one of my puffy purses. I just love these little guys...thankyou so much Amanda!
This is the first time my Hakea has flowered...I have noticed it seems to be attracting a few different birds to the garden...which I love!
No cannot eat my owl pins!lol! We have found that Jess eats everything..fruit that has fallen from the Apple and Pear trees, and she was even pushing in the gate, to the vegie garden, to eat the ripe tomatoes! And doesn't she look guilty!lol!
I hope you all have a great wekend! I am going to get my little pot belly fired up at lunchtime, so its nice and toasty for some sewing this arvo!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Meet cat!
I would love to have the real thing, as I know they make great sewing companions, but hubby is allergic to them, so I have to make do with my new Tilda friend...Smudge!
I used calico, as I wasn't too sure how he would turn out...but I should know better now because all Tilda projects are soo easy!
The postman delivered my button order from Mothers Cupboard today...they are just so gorgeous...thankyou Fiona for such a promt service! I think that the cat buttons would look lovely on the front of a project binder! You can never have to many covered binders, as they are so useful!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Prairie Children and Their Quilts
Whilst looking through my craft books last night, I came across my Prarie Children and Their Quilts book that I had purchased a few years back. I did do a few of the quilts from the book, so this morning I went in search for them and remembered why I had left them...I had my first attempt at hand quilting and to be was pretty crappy! I did complete one small quilt, with binding, which is the one folded up, but I had started hand quilting two others, which I unpicked this morning and have decided to machine quilt. I did have pics uploaded to post, but blogger has been very unkind this morning...and I couldn't upload them all! When I have them all quilted I will have to show you then.
The quilt folded up is a Friendship star quilt and the one underneath is the Crosses Mourning Quilt
And signature quilt
I have an old meat safe which I intend doing up, so I can display all my little quilts that I have made so far (5 all up)
The quilt folded up is a Friendship star quilt and the one underneath is the Crosses Mourning Quilt
Enjoy your Sunday
Saturday, May 15, 2010
And Now There Are 2!
I think that they are a lot happier now...the new bumble bee comes with her very own rose scented pillow!
Chookyblue invited me to join Snappyfriends...which I was pretty stoked about! As this weeks challenge is something old, I took a pic of my favourite old house and posted a pic on the Snappyfriends blog, not knowing that it once belonged to my Great Great Aunt Kelly, as I have since been told by Mum.
I hope that you are having a great weekend...not sure if I will get much sewing done, as the kids and hubby have finally given me their cold germs!lol! Might just have to curl up with my favourite craft books!
Mum recalls going there as a little girl with a note from Nan, asking to borrow butter and eggs for Christmas cooking, and being invited in for afternoon tea, where a lovely tablecloth was spread out, and plates of seed cake and biscuits were on offer, a little girls delight!
This house is only used for storage now (and no longer in the family), a bit run down, but I just love it...especially now I know a little bit of its history!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Big Snails and Little Snails
I have been doing a bit more snail creating. I made another snail from the Tilda book, and am just waiting for the snails little wagon to be made...a job for hubby, and master 10 said he will help.
Another snail I have stitched for my Gardeners Journal block last night...will do some more stitching for it tonight.
I have also been making dividers for my Life is Beautiful Journal. One for 'Instructions' and the other for 'patterns'...just so I can go straight to whatever section I need.
Enjoy your week
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day!
My first Life Is Beautiful stitchery is complete. I did change my mind on the thread, but it wasn't until I stitched half of it and decided to unpick!
I made this little snail from Crafting Tilda's Friends book...still have to glue him to a plank when I find one suitable. So pleased I don't have real life snails in the garden this size!lol!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Fabrics purchased for LIB Quilt
I went to the Quilted Crow yesterday, and picked out my fabrics for Life Is Beautiful quilt...with help from Deirdre...thankyou so much for your help Dierdre, and I PROMISE I will leave hubby at home next time!lol!
These are the threads I have chosen...but unsure if they are going to stand out enough against the fabrics...might need one with more red!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
This weeks Challenge...Green!
I borrowed my sons camera (master 10) for these pics. Mine decided it needed a battery recharge, but I quite like playing with his camera, as his has super macro...and mine doesn't as he quite often reminds me!lol!
Unsure of the name of this has the tiniest hairs all over it! (you can click on image for a closer look)
This is my cream mink Protea in bud...anxiously waiting for it to flower
Unsure of the name of this has the tiniest hairs all over it! (you can click on image for a closer look)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Getting Organised!
I went to start my next block for Gardeners Journal and couldn't seem to find anything I needed...I knew I had photocopied the patterns ready to trace...even the book wasn't where I thought it I decided it was precious time I was wasting, when I could be sewing, and that I needed to get organised! So last night, I stitched a couple of quick stitcheries and this morning made a covered binder.
Inside I keep the book, traced stitcheries, photocopies and cut fabric pieces, which are stored in zip locked bags.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Binder Finished!
I finished covering the binder this afternoon...I've wanted to have a practice before starting the Life is Beautiful I think I'm ready! All that is needed now, is the fabric and to decide on the colour thread!
This is the binder opened out...the fabric cut away from behind the stitchery, I have put on the back (left side in pic)
Now I will have a place to keep all the requirements needed for my LIB Quilt...the plastic A4 sleeves I can keep any completed stitcheries and stabiliser...inside pockets for scissors and glue.
Bye for Now
Edit The stitch that I have used around the circle ,is a small blanket stitch on the sewing machine. In the instruction for the Life is Beautiful quilt, Helen uses a blind hem stitch on the machine.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Live well, Laugh often, Love much
This is the stitchery that I have been working on for the last couple of nights...I wanted to have a practice before I started on the Life Is Beautiful quilt. So I picked out one of my favourite well, laugh often, love much! I really needed to practice my satin stitch....I will put this one on the cover of a binder I plan on making over the weekend.
If you would like to see an absolutely gorgeous bag...pop over here to have a look! I just love it!
Enjoy your weekend
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