I have finished my 2 Gardeners Journal blocks that has been taking every spare minute of my time this week...and I am very pleased to be now caught up! To keep on track, I am going to dedicate every Friday night to GJ stitching!!

I covered a binder especially for Gardeners Journal, which has inside pockets for list of stitchery blocks for each month...the GJ book slips inside the cover and plastic sleeves hold photocopies of patterns, selected threads and fabric pieces that have already been cut. I am sure without this binder I wouldn't be able to find a thing! Now all I have to do is tidy the HUGE mess I have left out in my sewing room!lol!
Enjoy your weekend
They're looking very dapper...well done.
I love your blocks! Your journal cover looks fantastic and I can certainly imagine the mess in the sewing room after gathering all the different little pieces of fabric for the patchwork!
Looking good. I love all the different fabrics ladies are using. They give the quilt such different looks.
Lovely assortment of fabrics Lisa. Are they predominantly one range or lots of bits and pieces?
What beautiful work! I absolutely luv it! I have actually pulled out some unfinished embroidery pieces after having been inspired by your work! Thanks for the inspiration!
Well done Lisa on your catch up and love the binder. That is another good idea you have there. I shall have to make one for your book when it comes out!!!!
Love Shirley.x
No pressure.
the blocks look great and your folder is excellent.....very organised.........good idea as I couldn't find the background fabric for awhile the other day......lucky it came tot he surface............
Love the Idea of the Journal for Blocks...Yours are looking Great..Love the Fabrics you are using.
Wow beautiful work....
Sandy N
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