Friday, February 15, 2013

My week in photos...

When I decided to start a Project Life Album, I wondered if I would be able to fill it with the weekly events that take place in my life...but boy was I mistaken! These are few pics that I have snapped over the week and I have to admit I am LOVING taking the photos!

We went out fishing on Monday (a long weekend here) and caught some fish for tea...and you can't beat freshly cooked flathead and homemade chips.  

I also decided that it was to hard having to scrapbook in another room, so I shuffled things around in my sewing room to make room for another table for scrapping. My sewing room needed a tidy up so the above photo is my favourite sewing spot 

And in the opposite corner I have set up my scrapping table. Can you see my new vintage toy on desk? Thank you Ebay!

And some early stitching this morning

Oh I love tidy! But how long will it last?? lol
Bye For Now
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quilty stitches said...

Oh you have a beautiful space to create in...I will just dream about mine for now...LOL ! Thank you for sharing.

De said...

Looks great...can you come tidy my room please?

De said...

Looks great...can you come tidy my room please?

Anonymous said...

such lovely pics Lisa,i so love your sewing room,have a good day my friend.xx

Fiona said...

such a lovely set of pictures and so lovely to stitch in such pretty space....

Leanne said...

Your photos are beautiful, who wouldn't love spending time in your sewing room, its so pretty.

Sweet Cinnamon Stitches said...

Had to smile when I saw the pic of your new/old typewriter, it reminded me of typing at school. You'll be more comfortable scrapping in you sewing room.

Susan said...

I just love a freshly tidied sewing room (or any room for that matter) but it never seems to last very long. Your space looks very inviting.

Christine M said...

Oooo! I just love your sewing room! I wish mine was nice and bright like that.

Noela said...

Your sewing room is so neat. I tidy mine up but it doesn't last long. Your stitchery is looking good. Hugs....

Clara said...

It will last just a few minute..... 'til the next creative project..... lol!!!!!!!!!!!
Your craftroom is gorgeous!!!!!

Wendy said...

Your sewing room is beautiful and what a delicious meal!

Anniem said...

Mmmmm fresh fish is the best! I haven't commented in a while-life happens - but I have been enjoying all your beautiful inspiration. Remember that creative minds are rarely tidy :). I cleaned the house yesterday so it's sewing and crafting for me today! Hugs from WA state.

Anonymous said...

What a great week

Cindy said...

I loved seeing all of your crafting items on display in the same place. The colors and textures work so nicely together:)