This cushion would have to be one of my favourite Christmas projects that I have made, also my first Xmassy one! I was lucky enough to attend a stitchery day held at Evandale here in Tassie, where the lovely Christine Book was one of the tutors! I think that you can all relate to the little verse on the cushion also!

I am also very excited to say, that I have signed up for my first swap...its only a little one..but still exciting just the big thankyou for those two ladies for organising the Christmas ornament swap...its going to be great fun! Hope you are all having a great day!
It is just lovely .I do love the verse as well. The verse is so true what is it with out Family at Christmas time it would not be much fun.
Gorgeous! Hope the swap goes well! 8-)
Hi Lisa, the cushion is gorgeous. Hope you enjoy the swap... they can be a little addictive !!
lovely xmas stitchery........
what a lovely cushion and you will have so mucgh fun with your swap..
Lovely Lisa! I have made one similar (of course lol) a while ago... think it may have been a Christine Book one too!
x Sarah
PS: Long time, no catch up! Back from holidays and my blog list is HUGE!!
That is a lovely saying!
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