Not much sewing done...that I can show you...only this little xmas goose bag. An Anni Downs design which would make a lovely xmas gift filled with homemade goodies or lollies. Most of my weekend was spent packing & labelling everything for my two eldest(12 & 10) to go on school camp. My youngest (7) is not yet old enough to go...gets some
spoilt special time with just us.

You just gotta love spring...all the flowers...the bottlebrushes are just starting to flower, Geraldton wax,and the white wisteria on our carport entrance. My weeping rose 'buff beauty' is a mass of buds..will share a pic when its out!

Daisies are also one of my favourites...its just a mass of purple with a neighbouring blue daisy...the bees just love it!
Your bag is very nice love the colours that you used.
Great photos.. love the christmas goose bag too.xx
Love the Christmas Goose! Very inspiring as I am in the Chrissy sewing mood!
Hello Lisa,love the little Christmas bag. I have serious "Wisteria" envy going on!!!
cute hatched and patched project.............might get to Anni's shop this weekend.........
That little Christmas bag is gorgeous, just love the stitchery and the fabrics you use.
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